A Melodrama Of Manners

"The only way to guarantee attention in this day and age," he said, "is to ensure that you will be wearing the biggest hat in the room."

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Bristol-Myers Sqibb is (are?) running a click-if-you-want-to-donate website promotion to fund AIDs research. $1 per click.


General distaste for all them giant evil phamaceutical companies aside for just a moment, you know what to do.


  • At 26 November, 2006 21:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I can’t help but be frustrated when I read about yet another pharmaceutical company donating to “the cause” -- in this case to an AIDS organization. There has been so much written about how self-serving some pharmaceutical companies are, but people just don’t seem to “get it.”

    For instance, did you know that the studies that are done on drugs are very often paid for by the pharmaceutical companies that developed the drugs? AND, when pharmaceutical companies pay for the "research," the “findings” most often “prove” that the drugs are effective.

    It is such a big problem. But if you will visit my website, http://www.honestmedicine.typepad.com, you will find many articles attesting to the unhealthy financial ties between pharmaceutical companies and the physicians who “study” their drugs; and between the pharmaceutical companies and the organizations who are supposed to be advocating for patients. (Please go to the left side of my site, where you will find lots of these articles, under “CANCER” and “Pharmaceutical Companies.”

    And for a really shocking exposé of how the “Journal of the American Medical Association” (JAMA) published articles about studies whose physician/authors failed to disclose their financial ties to relevant pharmaceutical companies, please see my 3-part article, “The JAMA Controversy,” at http://301url.com/jama-all .

    I wish I knew what the answer was, but I don’t. I just know that the more the public knows, the wiser they will become!

    Julia Schopick

  • At 27 November, 2006 03:05 , Blogger Snooze said...

    Imogen - Thanks for bringing this to our attention and the stories I read on the site were very moving.
    As for your other commenter... Scientists aren't morons - they know that pharmas can slant research and anyone in the HIV field knows how to read pharma funded research, but the death rates in North America from HIV have dropped rapidly since 1996 and the introduction of antiretrovirals.


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