A Melodrama Of Manners

"The only way to guarantee attention in this day and age," he said, "is to ensure that you will be wearing the biggest hat in the room."

Monday, July 31, 2006

When I was a child, a man tried to accost me as I walked to my friends house (his parents owned the village sweet shop, it was great). He pulled over and asked if I'd like another yo-yo, a better one than the one I was playing with. Inclined to say yes, he told me I'd have to go back to his house to get it though. I had one eye on the church clock- inesrt your own Catholic joke here- and told him thanks but no thanks (actually it was more like ta, but nah. Can you guess where I grew up now?), I had to be going.
It never occured to me at the time that good children don't talk to strangers. When I got home that evening my parents nearly had kittens "you spoke to a stranger!?" was their first reaction, followed by "just what were you thinking!?"
I think, if memory serves that the next week someone offered me a lift home from school, to get out of the rain. Of course I took them up on the offer. All this just proves that perhaps I never learn.
Tonight I got into an illegal cab with a group of strangers all of us heading in the same sort of direction. The driver got lost- such a surprise as his English was roughly as good as my Italian (pathetic and extremely limited) and all this came flooding back to me. If he'd taken us to a backstreet alley with the intention of selling out internal organs on the black market I might then and only then concede my parents were right to warn me about strangers and cars "you don't get something for nothing!" was a common saying of theirs, but I'm trying my hardest to prove them wrong.
I realised half-way through our round-about trip round East London that I didn't have any cash on me. And the other people sqeezed in the cab with me just waved me off "nah, no problem mate"and covered it between them.
Obviously not locals, I thought as I tried to place their heavily accented twang.
Ah, OK. Australians.

Toby x x x x


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