A Melodrama Of Manners

"The only way to guarantee attention in this day and age," he said, "is to ensure that you will be wearing the biggest hat in the room."

Friday, July 21, 2006

Last night was spent applying for jobs. All the jobs.

Although, in retrospect I'm not sure how impressed people are going to be by the various answerphone messages and emails I've left in my wake- think they'll take an application that came in at 2am seriously?

Someone did though- I think they were pretty desperate too. I was rudely awakened at the crack of dawn by a phonecall offering me a job. Except then they didn't call me back like they said they would- my first thought was; great, they're doing what I'd do in their position- ring the person who applied for a job in the middle of the night back in the early morning.
Light relief.
Then I realised that my just-woken-up-with-a-hangover-someone-please-get-me-water-aspirin-and-a-cigarette attitude probably didn't inspire confidence; so they can't have been suitably desperate.

And I wouldn't employ me either, frankly.

I probably shouldn't bother applying for permanent jobs, 6 month contract jobs, PA jobs... but I am desperate. I want pennies, lots of them- I'm getting card withdrawal.

And I might have sunburn.

But. I could be Julie, who has strategic sunburn borne of falling asleep on a bench after a night out in Glasgow wearing fishnet tights and a top thing with fishnet sleeves, and waking mid-morning to some seldom seen sunshine.

I have mucho hate for fishnet- my mother has a pair of fishnet tights. That's not, as such, nice, now is it?


Moving swiftly away from that, I'm wearing some very pretty underwear and some wonderful pyjamas- the first is Kylie, the second's off of Topshop, and I had my hair done this morning- I think it's beginning to recover from the blonde phase- so things aren't all bad. I have the house to myself for most of the weekend (except for Sunday, when penance must be paid in the form of accompanying my mother to Tatton Park's flower show) and Joel's coming over to keep me company tonight- I've been steadfastly refusing to call him after the Teenage Werewolf partybash debacle, but hopefully things'll be resolved the way I want them to be.

No, I'm not sure what that is yet, but I imagine I'll work it out tonight.

I'd ask for good luck wishes, but I am zen.

There's also a blackberry and something smoothie in the fridge, and there are carrots, and lots of coffee and milk and I've just eaten a blueberry muffin. So all is well in the world, for now.


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