A Melodrama Of Manners

"The only way to guarantee attention in this day and age," he said, "is to ensure that you will be wearing the biggest hat in the room."

Friday, February 23, 2007

No. Not so much.

"What happened to the blonde?" Lewis asked me. I frowned at him for a moment as he sort of stroked clumsily at my hair, then decided to forgive him; he's moving to Dubai next week, and I anticipate something of a shortage of blonde locked girls.
"I haven't been blonde in weeks, love. But it had to go, it was rousing too much speculation."
"It was unfavourably likened to a mermaid. Oh, and I got called a sloane."
He laughed. The bastard laughed. "Let's look at this, shall we babe? I know your mummy has the pony thing going on, so I know you can ride--"
"--but I don't."
"--You had peroxide blonde hair, and you own a pashmina--"
"--that's not fair! You can't discriminate against me because of that! I defy you to find a girl who doesn't!" Slightly over wrought.
"You took your hair straightners to Yemen with you--"
"--Yemen. Not, ah, Rock."
"--and you went to public school, and are, safe to say, pretty much a Londoner."

I made a conscious effort to smooth out the frown lines. I refuse to turn into my mother.

"This isn't a bad thing though."
"And how, sir, do you work that one out?"
"I thought the blonde look was dead nice. *pauses* It reminded me, you know Phoebe?"
"Um. The one you hooked up with? The high jump champion who superseeded me when I was relieved of my position as Head Girl."
"The one who had ring worm?"
"--and announced her lesbian status at the end of year ball while on stage with the gym mistress?"

Ahh, high school friends. Much appreciated.



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