A snippet from one of Imogen's emails. With commentary by me. Because I'm lazy I finally have the Star Trek; Voyager box set, oh yes!
My Nene's ongoing campaign against my favourite jeans began with "is this any way to dress? It might be OK in England, but things are different here. People will think you don't have any money." Dede's attitude was "look, if she likes them let her wear them- there are worse things she could be insisting on."
These responses say a lot about both of them.
My attitude to my favourite jeans is "they look fantastic on, and my only other pair that looks quite so marv have a come stain on them." This, in turn, says a lot about me.
I didn't explain that to Nene fully, of course; I'm finally learning when to stop.
Twenty years in. God bless.
I'm not wholly sure I can take credit for this, actually- six hours on an over night plane being kept company by a very keen Austrian with equally enthusiastic air conditioning after a week of, well, Kos, with a handful of my fellow Catholic schoolies had left me dazed. Somewhat.
The pictures are proof enough. And she sent me a select few, so God only knows what the rest are like.
Although I did refrain from correcting my cousin when she asked why I had such lovely underwear when noone sees it, so I might finally be growing up.
In my dazed state, I let my cousin decide I was her "bestest playmate" and spent the whole of that first morning being steered round my Grandparents' garden looking for a hidden stone, to her directions. "Hot!" "Absolutely broilingly extremely hot!" "No, cold." "Still cold."
"Sunshine, it's 45 degrees out here."
"You're cold. You want to be hot. Means you're near the stone."
"What do I get when I find the stone?"
"You get to hide it."
"Sunshine, I don't want to. Can we do something else?"
"When you find it we could... climb the fig tree?"
Marvellous, just extremely marv.
She's cute though- I appreciate her more after sleep; she runs errands for me if I phrase them as favours but abuses me for satiating my Ayran addiction.
It's a sort of goats milk yoghurty drink. And the cousin's the seven year old vegan daughter of the vegan aunt from Hackney. We love her.
Which leads nicely to my next point, actually. I'm out of cigarettes, and I can't buy any as I didn't think to change my pennies into Lira- and I'm not allowed to leave the house on my own anyway, so I'm fucked. I explained this to Alice and she asked me if it was sideways; keep an eye on her for me, would you? If she was fifty years older people would be worried she'd has a stroke that's left her 'slightly addled'. Frankly. Anyway, is this any way to live? I'm the last of the guilt free smokers, living in a house with a perfect view of the Marlboro billboard, in a country where smoking laws are virtually non existent with a favourite Great Uncle who drinks whiskey in the morning and hides cigarettes in his socks so his wife doesn't find them.
Who, incidentally, has a nicotine addiction of her very own that he doesn't know about: they've been married for about fifty years as well. Mirth. Maybe I can beg some.
At her high school I'm told the cool people were allowed to smoke behind a local fast food shop if they bought some Ribena or somesuch. See, smoking is cool. Nono, not really. But when I say that and people see me lighting up they assume I'm a quitter who quit quitting. Which is true, but when I tried to stop I gained half a stone and then decided I'd rather die early than be fat.
I'm having a hard time hiding my tattoo from my family though; there's only so long I can sling a towel over my shoulder, and when I'm swimming I have to remember to keep my back away from them all. This isn't helped by Ceylan insisting on piggy backs and walking into my room without The Knock at all hours.
Ah yes, The Knock. Or lack of, the source of many an argument in the Spinster household last year. And Ceylan? It's Turkish, and the C is pronounced as a J. This little mispronounciation was drilled into me many a time. I think its a pet hate.
In light of your recent adventures darling, I have to ask: just how, pray tell, does one tell Spanish men and Italians apart?
I love them both, equally. Except my Italian is nonexistent- I'm assuming Gee's wrong when she says it's essentially English, but you add "io" to the end of everything? I was going to just accept it, but then she said "snoggio" and I gave in to the little doubting voice. Incidentally sweetie, I've decided to learn Turkish as I hate not being able to talk to most of my extended family.
Oh yes, what fun! It took her long enough to learn French, and she doesn't use it much (apart from the swear words).
Now, this request of yours for pictures of my underwear. I have one question for you, sugar; do you want sets? Knickers? What? I need more details. Do suspenders and stockings come under the underwear category? I left those at home actually, but bras and panties I have in abundance. Oh yes, also can I ask why?
The order of that last snippet also says a lot about her. But it looks like underwear pictures will be forthcoming. Imogen's.
Love Txxxxxx
My Nene's ongoing campaign against my favourite jeans began with "is this any way to dress? It might be OK in England, but things are different here. People will think you don't have any money." Dede's attitude was "look, if she likes them let her wear them- there are worse things she could be insisting on."
These responses say a lot about both of them.
My attitude to my favourite jeans is "they look fantastic on, and my only other pair that looks quite so marv have a come stain on them." This, in turn, says a lot about me.
I didn't explain that to Nene fully, of course; I'm finally learning when to stop.
Twenty years in. God bless.
I'm not wholly sure I can take credit for this, actually- six hours on an over night plane being kept company by a very keen Austrian with equally enthusiastic air conditioning after a week of, well, Kos, with a handful of my fellow Catholic schoolies had left me dazed. Somewhat.
The pictures are proof enough. And she sent me a select few, so God only knows what the rest are like.
Although I did refrain from correcting my cousin when she asked why I had such lovely underwear when noone sees it, so I might finally be growing up.
In my dazed state, I let my cousin decide I was her "bestest playmate" and spent the whole of that first morning being steered round my Grandparents' garden looking for a hidden stone, to her directions. "Hot!" "Absolutely broilingly extremely hot!" "No, cold." "Still cold."
"Sunshine, it's 45 degrees out here."
"You're cold. You want to be hot. Means you're near the stone."
"What do I get when I find the stone?"
"You get to hide it."
"Sunshine, I don't want to. Can we do something else?"
"When you find it we could... climb the fig tree?"
Marvellous, just extremely marv.
She's cute though- I appreciate her more after sleep; she runs errands for me if I phrase them as favours but abuses me for satiating my Ayran addiction.
It's a sort of goats milk yoghurty drink. And the cousin's the seven year old vegan daughter of the vegan aunt from Hackney. We love her.
Which leads nicely to my next point, actually. I'm out of cigarettes, and I can't buy any as I didn't think to change my pennies into Lira- and I'm not allowed to leave the house on my own anyway, so I'm fucked. I explained this to Alice and she asked me if it was sideways; keep an eye on her for me, would you? If she was fifty years older people would be worried she'd has a stroke that's left her 'slightly addled'. Frankly. Anyway, is this any way to live? I'm the last of the guilt free smokers, living in a house with a perfect view of the Marlboro billboard, in a country where smoking laws are virtually non existent with a favourite Great Uncle who drinks whiskey in the morning and hides cigarettes in his socks so his wife doesn't find them.
Who, incidentally, has a nicotine addiction of her very own that he doesn't know about: they've been married for about fifty years as well. Mirth. Maybe I can beg some.
At her high school I'm told the cool people were allowed to smoke behind a local fast food shop if they bought some Ribena or somesuch. See, smoking is cool. Nono, not really. But when I say that and people see me lighting up they assume I'm a quitter who quit quitting. Which is true, but when I tried to stop I gained half a stone and then decided I'd rather die early than be fat.
I'm having a hard time hiding my tattoo from my family though; there's only so long I can sling a towel over my shoulder, and when I'm swimming I have to remember to keep my back away from them all. This isn't helped by Ceylan insisting on piggy backs and walking into my room without The Knock at all hours.
Ah yes, The Knock. Or lack of, the source of many an argument in the Spinster household last year. And Ceylan? It's Turkish, and the C is pronounced as a J. This little mispronounciation was drilled into me many a time. I think its a pet hate.
In light of your recent adventures darling, I have to ask: just how, pray tell, does one tell Spanish men and Italians apart?
I love them both, equally. Except my Italian is nonexistent- I'm assuming Gee's wrong when she says it's essentially English, but you add "io" to the end of everything? I was going to just accept it, but then she said "snoggio" and I gave in to the little doubting voice. Incidentally sweetie, I've decided to learn Turkish as I hate not being able to talk to most of my extended family.
Oh yes, what fun! It took her long enough to learn French, and she doesn't use it much (apart from the swear words).
Now, this request of yours for pictures of my underwear. I have one question for you, sugar; do you want sets? Knickers? What? I need more details. Do suspenders and stockings come under the underwear category? I left those at home actually, but bras and panties I have in abundance. Oh yes, also can I ask why?
The order of that last snippet also says a lot about her. But it looks like underwear pictures will be forthcoming. Imogen's.
Love Txxxxxx
At 18 August, 2006 09:39 ,
Clarissa said...
What a brilliant letter! My goddamn friends' ideas of personal communication is forwarding jokes by email. Bastards. You're a lucky man, Toby. Thanks for requesting the knickers. There are no rules. Post what is fit to post: undies, bras, sets, whatever.
xxx, e
At 19 August, 2006 08:59 ,
Devine Dora said...
I wonder, did she ever find that stone? was she forced to climb that fig tree? Did she get so damn smokes??? A very thrilling post actually.
Post that underwear. It's your duty as keeper of the blog!
At 19 August, 2006 19:53 ,
Inexplicable DeVice said...
I'm sure she'd never forgive you if you didn't post pics of her smalls.
And, Voyager? Deep Space Nine is by far superior!
Love, IDV xx
At 19 August, 2006 22:28 ,
Imogen said...
No smokes, as yet- she sent me a picture of her finger nails, which are bitten to the quick.
Is that a real expression? It sounded right in my head...
Anyway, what she didn't send me is a picture of her underwear, but give it time.
Ouch! IDV, is that a double negative I see there? And no, Voyager all the way! I think it's Seven of Nine who does it- yes, I know, I'm letting the side down.
But Imogen agrees- many a winter evening has been frittered away watching Good Ole Cap'n Kathy. And Imogen's camper than me, which is saying something, so it MUST be OK.
Have I won you over yet?
Tx x x
At 20 August, 2006 13:24 ,
Inexplicable DeVice said...
You're getting there. Cake-hair Kathy and her crew do have a certain je ne sais quois. Plus, Tom Paris (in the first couple of seasons - pre fat) is worth a second glance!
Love, the Host xx
At 14 February, 2007 18:18 ,
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At 02 November, 2007 04:19 ,
Anonymous said...
VfdKfM The best blog you have!
At 02 November, 2007 17:38 ,
Anonymous said...
izKvpl Good job!
At 02 November, 2007 18:28 ,
Anonymous said...
Please write anything else!
At 02 November, 2007 19:12 ,
Anonymous said...
Hello all!
At 02 November, 2007 20:16 ,
Anonymous said...
Hello all!
At 02 November, 2007 21:19 ,
Anonymous said...
Nice Article.
At 03 November, 2007 10:50 ,
Anonymous said...
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
At 03 November, 2007 15:28 ,
Anonymous said...
Please write anything else!
At 03 November, 2007 17:29 ,
Anonymous said...
Wonderful blog.
At 03 November, 2007 18:19 ,
Anonymous said...
Nice Article.
At 04 November, 2007 08:44 ,
Anonymous said...
506Dke write more, thanks.
At 05 November, 2007 03:40 ,
Anonymous said...
At 05 November, 2007 04:16 ,
Anonymous said...
Please write anything else!
At 05 November, 2007 06:08 ,
Anonymous said...
Hello all!
At 05 November, 2007 06:40 ,
Anonymous said...
Good job!
At 05 November, 2007 07:16 ,
Anonymous said...
Wonderful blog.
At 05 November, 2007 07:45 ,
Anonymous said...
Please write anything else!
At 05 November, 2007 08:14 ,
Anonymous said...
At 05 November, 2007 08:47 ,
Anonymous said...
Thanks to author.
At 05 November, 2007 09:20 ,
Anonymous said...
At 05 November, 2007 10:01 ,
Anonymous said...
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
At 05 November, 2007 10:42 ,
Anonymous said...
Thanks to author.
At 05 November, 2007 11:16 ,
Anonymous said...
Thanks to author.
At 05 November, 2007 11:46 ,
Anonymous said...
Hello all!
At 05 November, 2007 12:19 ,
Anonymous said...
Clap on! , Clap off! clap@#&$NO CARRIER
At 05 November, 2007 12:58 ,
Anonymous said...
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
At 05 November, 2007 13:31 ,
Anonymous said...
Thanks to author.
At 05 November, 2007 13:58 ,
Anonymous said...
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
At 05 November, 2007 14:28 ,
Anonymous said...
Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!
At 05 November, 2007 15:03 ,
Anonymous said...
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
At 05 November, 2007 15:36 ,
Anonymous said...
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
At 05 November, 2007 16:08 ,
Anonymous said...
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
At 05 November, 2007 16:39 ,
Anonymous said...
A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.
At 05 November, 2007 17:11 ,
Anonymous said...
Wonderful blog.
At 05 November, 2007 17:43 ,
Anonymous said...
Beam me aboard, Scotty..... Sure. Will a 2x10 do?
At 05 November, 2007 18:22 ,
Anonymous said...
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
At 05 November, 2007 19:05 ,
Anonymous said...
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
At 05 November, 2007 19:43 ,
Anonymous said...
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
At 05 November, 2007 20:16 ,
Anonymous said...
Save the whales, collect the whole set
At 05 November, 2007 20:50 ,
Anonymous said...
640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81
At 05 November, 2007 21:20 ,
Anonymous said...
640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81
At 05 November, 2007 21:45 ,
Anonymous said...
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
At 05 November, 2007 22:13 ,
Anonymous said...
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
At 05 November, 2007 22:44 ,
Anonymous said...
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
At 05 November, 2007 23:12 ,
Anonymous said...
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
At 05 November, 2007 23:52 ,
Anonymous said...
Thanks to author.
At 06 November, 2007 00:22 ,
Anonymous said...
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies
At 06 November, 2007 01:02 ,
Anonymous said...
Save the whales, collect the whole set
At 06 November, 2007 01:34 ,
Anonymous said...
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
At 06 November, 2007 02:03 ,
Anonymous said...
Nice Article.
At 06 November, 2007 02:36 ,
Anonymous said...
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!
At 06 November, 2007 03:12 ,
Anonymous said...
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
At 06 November, 2007 04:33 ,
Anonymous said...
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!
At 06 November, 2007 05:11 ,
Anonymous said...
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
At 06 November, 2007 05:50 ,
Anonymous said...
Please write anything else!
At 06 November, 2007 06:20 ,
Anonymous said...
Save the whales, collect the whole set
At 06 November, 2007 06:57 ,
Anonymous said...
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!
At 06 November, 2007 07:40 ,
Anonymous said...
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
At 06 November, 2007 08:23 ,
Anonymous said...
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
At 06 November, 2007 09:12 ,
Anonymous said...
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
At 06 November, 2007 10:35 ,
Anonymous said...
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
At 06 November, 2007 11:20 ,
Anonymous said...
Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!
At 06 November, 2007 12:16 ,
Anonymous said...
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
At 06 November, 2007 13:06 ,
Anonymous said...
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
At 06 November, 2007 13:50 ,
Anonymous said...
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
At 06 November, 2007 14:30 ,
Anonymous said...
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
At 06 November, 2007 15:08 ,
Anonymous said...
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
At 06 November, 2007 15:46 ,
Anonymous said...
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
At 06 November, 2007 16:18 ,
Anonymous said...
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
At 06 November, 2007 17:02 ,
Anonymous said...
Clap on! , Clap off! clap@#&$NO CARRIER
At 06 November, 2007 17:46 ,
Anonymous said...
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
At 06 November, 2007 18:26 ,
Anonymous said...
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
At 06 November, 2007 19:15 ,
Anonymous said...
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
At 06 November, 2007 20:06 ,
Anonymous said...
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
At 06 November, 2007 20:43 ,
Anonymous said...
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
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