A Melodrama Of Manners

"The only way to guarantee attention in this day and age," he said, "is to ensure that you will be wearing the biggest hat in the room."

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Revelations of all flavours

Last night's little revelation scared me and drove me to do the whole hair, make up, dancing clothes fandango, then, bolstering myself with thoughts of the lone blueberry muffin in the cupboard, I left the cosy safety of the flat.

Can I just ask, what do certain members of boykind expect, when they call names as you pass them on street corners? While "nice ass!" is, I guess, a compliment, what can you say to that? "Why thank you, kind sir?"

Anyway, I weaved my way through the underage drinkers and the little puddles of vomit and stepped into the warmth of the club.

And I pulled!

Well, maybe not. He came over, he was nice and normal, didn't give my bottom an appraising remark nor did he stare down my top as he spoke to me. He introduced himself, and we yelled in each others ears over the music a bit, and we danced, and I let him buy me drinks- the shoes from last nights post made it a necessity.. and it's rude to refuse a friendly gesture.

I returned it with a gesture of my own, and he pulled away, briefly- "I don't really do that sort of thing on first dates."


A few hours (and a hicky, damn him, how did that happen?- I'm babysitting Monday night, I'm sure that'll be fun) later, we left the club and stepped out into the street, the chill air bracing me and calming my spinning head slightly. He pushed me up against the wall and we kissed- and were broken apart after a long while by the bouncers whilstling and giving us appraising grins. "Go get a room mate, get her off the streets!" One yelled to Phil, and I began removing his hands from under my top.

Yeah, classy I know.

I looked up at him, "so how about it?"

He kissed me again, hands sliding back under my shirt, knee between my legs- until another whistle from the bouncers ("get in there my son!") had me mentally praying he hadn't undone my bra strap and moving away from the wall. I gave his hand a playful tug, and he walked me most of the way back to my flat. "So?" I asked again, eyebrows raised.

"Sorry," he said then, looking down at me, "I really don't put out on a first date."

Men baffle me. Utterly.


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