A Melodrama Of Manners

"The only way to guarantee attention in this day and age," he said, "is to ensure that you will be wearing the biggest hat in the room."

Monday, February 20, 2006

Peer pressure

There's a colony of ants living in my beautiful laptop!

Well ok, one ant. And the laptops not that beautiful- it's silver and pretty, but it's a mac ("beauty is what's on the inside") and I'm a corporate Windows whore, and have next to no idea how to use it's more celebrated functions.

But seriously, why on earth are there animals living in my jazzy laptop!?
If it were charmless Gnome flatmate's wizzy computer gadget then I'd understand- jam smears and crumbs do tend to attract wildlife, or so I would assume. My knowledge of wildlife is gathered only by hours of watching mind numbing animal related tv shows during extended visits to my maternal grandparents' home- personal experience is seriously limited.
Plus, we don't like her so she'd deserve it. She may be sleeping with my beautiful Sophie flatmate- so we love her by extension- but we just don't like her.

It's a bad influence, is what it is, this Windows beast. And its blue.
Well, there's no two ways about it.
I'm just going to have to curtail their fraternising time.

UPDATE: I stand corrected- it really is a colony of ants- I just saw one flaunting its presence on the keypad, then it fucking vanished beneath the keys.
Fuck. Maybe I should lay a trap, lure them out with an open jar of jam- I'd use Gnome's laptop, but God only knows what else my poor silver baby would catch.


  • At 20 February, 2006 23:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Maybe it's a clean ant that doesn't like living with the other messy ants, so has moved to your nice clean laptop...

  • At 21 February, 2006 00:19 , Blogger Imogen said...

    Hmm. Either way, this has to stop- cue no longer leaving it lying around under the couch, I guess.

  • At 21 February, 2006 18:45 , Blogger Fuckkit said...

    Whilst my laptop is clean(ish) I turned my keyboard at work over the other day and I swear you could feed Oxford's homeless with what fell out.

  • At 21 February, 2006 20:25 , Blogger Inexplicable DeVice said...

    Flail madly at the keyboard to kill two birds with one stone.

    1) The ant will probably get crushed beneath a key and serve as a warning to any other ants that may wish to move in.

    2) All sorts of messages/warnings/instructions will come up showing you all the lovely functions that it has. Either that or it'll self destruct...


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