A Melodrama Of Manners

"The only way to guarantee attention in this day and age," he said, "is to ensure that you will be wearing the biggest hat in the room."

Monday, April 10, 2006

Blog, meet N.R.

I currently have the nose of a healthy labrador, and eloquence and imagination are far from forthcoming. So to spare a weeks worth of posts (assuming, of course, that I don't die and have to pass on my mantle more permanantly) in which I complain on a near consistent level about how poorly I am, I'm instead passing the torch onto one who currently surpasses me in the upbeat and suitability stakes. Who says I'm self-centred and selfish?
Once again- play nicely. Please.

Not that I mean to steal this for any longer than necessary (that just wouldn't be nice), but your regular author's begged off as she's "poorly sick"- wimp; this is what comes from partying hard while you have a heavy cold.
Hardly attractive now, is it?
And we must think of these things. Imogen's currently curled up in bed with Vogue, a bowl sized mug of coffee and an easter egg; Vogue's full of people who managed to successfully detox after the whole Christmas and New Year binge, so the coffee and the chocolate are to make her feel better for being a complete failure with no self control to speak of.

The very presence of the easter egg is a prime example of this.

It's also a prime example of her ridiculous tendancy to spontaneous food shop, but that's already been covered; "it seemed like a fabulous idea at the time!" Which is why there's a cupboard full of Easter eggs and her flatmates were sulking; until she offered to share.

Comfort eating; in high school I always wanted to start my own trends, but I was never cool enough so I followed those set by others- even the ugly trends, like mismatching shoelaces or.. I hate to say it, but I even got my lip pierced, and a tattoo.
Ugly doesn't do it justice, but I've grown out of such unthinking compliance now.
No really, I have.
To prove it, I'm quite keen on starting my very own trend, and it's one I think could prove to be quite popular; in theory at least. In practise, I suspect it could lead to unrelenting obesity, societal ostracism and an early death- after having lost several million brain cells and decided it's somehow A Good Idea to go on Trisha and Show The World how you've reached The Stage where you have to be rolled onto the stage.
I love my day time TV, and I'm drawing all this from real life examples.
Is gluttony a sin?

But anyway, after that amazing pep talk, here's what I propose; as the detox was de facto pack trend for January, so will be comfort eating for March and April.

Who's with me?


  • At 10 April, 2006 12:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You got a tattoo in compliance with a trend? *points finger and sniggers* Silly you.
    I shall be joining you on the comfort eating, I mean, I don't want to be left out now do I? Plus it's dissertations so I'm needing the three pain au chocolates and two choc muffins a day to keep my strength up.

  • At 10 April, 2006 13:03 , Blogger Snooze said...

    Do chocolate martinis count? I'm better at comfort drinking. Still, the easter egg idea sounds yummy.

  • At 10 April, 2006 13:38 , Blogger B said...

    I'm partial to my comfort cookies---double stuffed oreos to be exact :)

  • At 10 April, 2006 13:44 , Blogger Imogen said...

    I've never had a chocolate martini, but anything high in calories will work- I just need company in the comfort eating. And Lady Muck, what makes the tattoo worse is it's a rose; the first time I met Imogen she was convinced I'd have another tatt; I Love Mom written across my other arm.
    I was never quite that into unthinking compliance.

    Love, N.R.

  • At 11 April, 2006 09:35 , Blogger Fuckkit said...

    Well who am I to shun a trend? Pass the cake...

  • At 11 April, 2006 22:26 , Blogger Inexplicable DeVice said...

    * mmmpf grrmmfff bluk *

    Sorry. I had a mouth full. What are we doing again?


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