A Melodrama Of Manners

"The only way to guarantee attention in this day and age," he said, "is to ensure that you will be wearing the biggest hat in the room."

Monday, October 24, 2005

Bruise pristine

I'm not entirely sure how this happened, but I can hazard a guess- I have a somewhat hazy memory of being hit in the face by a lady with an aggressively outsize handbag whilst crammed in the lift*, with the result that I now have a black eye. I'm extraordinarily proud of it; I've never had a black eye in my life, but, on reflection, I'm quite impressed I've managed to avoid this for so long- due to my innate clumsiness, I walk into doors that are being held open for me, and I fall down steps on a reguar basis. I drop everything- I have been known to break every single cup in my flat**- and have even got a burn mark on my ear, as I missed my hair whilst toying with my beautiful flatmate Sophie's straightening irons- in future, I'll use flatmate Damien's straightners as they're special boy ones***, and very small- presumably to minimise the burn risk, as he has longer hair than me.
I suspect this bruise will lose its appeal as it starts to swell and turn green, but for now its ace, and has a certain comedy appeal- I just couldn't understand why I was getting so many sideways glances from complete strangers last night, but at encouragement from the ever amoral Alec I was lead to believe it was because I looked hot. He's such a bastard, and I actually live with an evil genius.

*I've never quite learned how to do stairs whilst wearing heels, without a death grip on the banister, but last night my nail polish was still wet and I didn't want to chip it.
**I have a nasty feeling that next year i'll have more trouble persuading people to live with me.
***As in, they come in a limited edition blue.


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