A Melodrama Of Manners

"The only way to guarantee attention in this day and age," he said, "is to ensure that you will be wearing the biggest hat in the room."

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Summary of today

Him - Hello there! What are you doing?
Me - Not so much. Eating cheese and crackers. Singing along to the radio.
Him - At the same time?
Me - Yes. But not right now, obviously, because that wouldn't be pretty. Or practical.
Him - Hmm. What kind of cheese?
Me - Tell me, sir, are you drunk?
Him - What? No. Why?
Me - I have this theory you see, that you only initiate conversations with me when you're drunk.
Him - No, I'm just bored.
Me - Now, or whenever you decide to talk to me?
Him - I'm not sure. Which is likely to get the most mileage out of this conversation?



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